Pugh, Adebola & Mawene, Coventry
Preston North End: Agyemang's Thrilling Goal and Epic CelebrationAgyemang goal celebration
Pride of Sedgwick: The Iconic Image of Preston North End FCSedgwick
Sedgwick, Doyle & Nicholls
Sedgwick & Gray
Sedgwick & Borrowdale
Ormerod, Coventry
Brave Tackle: Preston North End's Nicholls Stops Coventry's AttackNicholls Tackle, Coventry
Nicholls & Adebola
Mawene & McKenzie
Mawene & Adebola
Preston North End FC: Gallagher Unleashed on the FieldGallagher
Chilvers & Adebola
Carter & Cairo
Preston North End: Carroll and Borrowdale - Unstoppable Football DuoCarroll & Borrowdale
Preston North End FC: Agyemang Scores the GoalAgyemang, goal
Preston North End: The Thrill of the Game - Agyemang's Unforgettable GoalAgyemang Goal
Agyemany Goal & Nicholls
Agyemang Goal
Exultant Agyemang Scores the Thrilling Goal for Preston North EndAgyemang goal celebrations